Op Julstöt


Happy Holidays and such.

Our mission today is to deliver a Christmas gift to the population of Šumava in the form of a change of leadership. This operation is highly classified even within our own corporation, therefore the small size of the task-force. Enemy: The enemy will consist of two groups, firstly the local army and home guard. They mainly use soviet equipment, TTsKO uniforms and have a fairly lacking amount of equipment. There is mandatory service, so they have large numbers, but their morale is inconsistent. Second, we have the personal guard of the government. They have a wide variety of suppliers, so they have american equipment, russian equipment and anything in between. The guards closest to the targets use suits to look more presentable. They are an elite force to be reckoned with, so they have good equipment including NVGs, possibly Thermals. We have no intel on their morale but expect it to be high without surrender or retreat. It’s advised to prepare accordingly to the target when planning engagements with the two forces. The enemy has all from infantry to tanks, but the armored threat should take some time to organize, so relevant equipment has hopefully been delivered by the time it’s a worry. Helicopters are a possibility, but they lack fast movers. Our operatives have taken care of most of the pilots so as with tanks they should take some time to arrive. Civilians: Civilians are present in the area, collateral should be avoided. But if the situation demands it it is permissible. Own forces: The task-force consists of three groups of six (Claus, Nicholas & Kringle), one cargo plane (Comet), one transport plane (Dasher), two captured MI8s (Prancer & Cupid) our local operatives (who are to remain unnamed incase of capture) and Sir Locksley, the only operatives you are planned to meet. Dasher will drop you at 0630 (local) and return home. You are to meet Sir Locksley at coords 061038, they have been provided with training and equipment to provide recon and sniper-support. If need be they do also have CQB training and correlating equipment. Sir Locksley will provide you with any new information and a crate of equipment. Comet will not provide any support until at least 2 of the known 3 AAA positions are dealt with. Terrain & Weather: A light fog is expected the whole day, but no rain or snow. It’s expected to reach a low of 4°C and a high of 8°C. The sun should go up at 0700, and down at 1640. The terrain mainly consists of forests and large fields. Mission in short: Destroy AAA, neutralize or capture 4 VIPs, exfiltrate to the airfield at 077061. Mission in detail: 1. Paradrop from above Cimize 064040, Dasher will drop you from an altitude of 2000m. AA shouldn’t be a problem because of the element of surprise. Do remember to inspect parachutes and that the terrain is about 500m above sea level, take it into account when using an altimeter. 2. Reorganize at self designated location 3. Set up in location with view over the meeting position with Sir Locksley, call on radio 74.2 with code “One life.”, if the response is not “And we are not destined to share it.” you are to assume Sir Locksley is compromised. An attempt to assist Sir Locksley is NOT to be made in this situation. 4. Unless Sir Locksley has information with more importance you are to begin assaults on AAA positions, according to our information these are manned by ZSU-23s from the storage at 043033, take this into account when assessing whether you can ambush them. Unless unexpected events have occurred it’s to be assumed that the positions aren’t aware of your presence, this means you might still have the element of surprise. 5. Once the AAA is inactive you are to begin assaults on VIP Rowena, Rebecca, Maurice, John, Lucas & Wamba. Importance in that order. 6. Once 4 or more of the targets are neutralized or captured you are to move to the airfield at 077061 and either await transport by Prancer and if needed Cupid, or receive additional orders. You can move to one of the marked safehouses if you need supplies while Comet is unavailable. You can also move to a safehouse at 0830 to wait until sundown. Additional information: Ni startar i flyg, så snabbt på med fallskärm så ni inte hoppar utan. Ni har WP ljusförstärkare, om ni vill ha vanliga så finns det i flyget eller vid safehouse. Era vapen börjar utan tillsatser, dessa ligger i era ryggor och behöver monteras själva när ni landat. (Idén är att ni hoppar i mörker, men om man känner att man behöver se så ligger ljusförstärkaren i ryggan.) Pak kan sättas i fält, dock finns pak inte i sjukvårdares utrustning utan i safehouse. Respawn är satt på 5 min, vid respawn så får man välja ett SH att teleporteras till. Om man vill ha ett speciellt sikte så kontakta mig. Ni kommer spela som närmare en PMC, så personligt anpassad utrustning är tillåtet. Det finns höga förväntningar på rollspel och samverkan med mig för rollerna i Sir Locksley, så det är rekommenderat att man är beredd på det om man skriver upp sig i den gruppen. Map over the operation area. Pres Giorgos Malas Rowena (Right) | Current Location: Hotel Belle Foile {051019} Relevant information: Has a constant security attachment, with atleast 5 cars. In case of emergency he will be transported to a bunker at unknown location. We can't reach him there, we do know that he always rides in the middle car of the convoy. Gen Aleksander Chapayev Rebecca (Middle) | Current Location: Cepicna Resort {047057} Relevant information: Part of his attachment are Konstantin and Anatoli Popov, twins, previously russian Vympel. They never leave Chapayevs side. Chapayev always carries his Sa vz. 58V, a version of his army issue vz. 58 that he's modernized over the years. Expect tripwires when dealing with the Popovs. Ethan Coburn Maurice (Middle)| Current Location: Coburn Private Island. {033039} Relevant information: Residence is on as much of an island you can come in the area. It's got barbed wire, watchtowers and 24/7 guards. Ethan is as american as you come. He's the arms-dealer for the personal guard of the government, so expect the location to contain many weapons. Part of his security is previous US SF. He highly values his SCAR with US camo, so expect him to use it. Maksim Bulgakov John (Right) | Current Location: His parents old house working on PR for his company. {084044} Relevant information: Known to be anti-gun so does most likely not carry. The camera team at location is hand-picked by Gen Chapayev, so they are well armed. There will most likely be cameras at location, make sure to capture as to delete evidence of our presence. Oleg Titov Lucas | Current Location: Titov State Farm. {077059} Relevant information: Titov is a primarily a farmer and as such will most likely not provide much resistance. He is on a farm, and as such there will be a moderate civilian presence. There may be addictive substances on the location, these should be captured or destroyed. Ilya Malas Wamba | Current Location: Brezova Shooting Range. {078024} Relevant information: Since his father became president he has been promoted to commanding officer of the shooting range (considered a less exposed position than tank-commander). This means he will most likely be wearing an officers uniform. He is not protected by the security forces, but because of his subordinates fondness of him the local garrison will most likely have higher morale than regular army. We have infiltrated the nearby radio-mast, this means that the enemy in the location can't call for reinforcements. And because of the location it's less likely that shooting will be considered suspect.


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  • 2023-12-19
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