Soviet paratroopers from the 345th Guards Airborne Regiment in combat with Mujahideen forces, northwestern Lythium, 1988.
Välkommen till Afghanistan, ärade kamrater!
MI-24D 2 kommer bemannas av två frivilliga britter.
18th of March, 1988.
During the last two months Soviet air traffic across the north-western region of the Lythium province has been facing increasing Mujahideen ground-to-air threats by mobile MANPADs and stationary anti-aircraft weapons stations. The situation has gotten out of hand, and soon enough the Soviet basess located to the north of the troublesome valley will be unable to resupply our active units to the south.
Operation Vershina was launched on the 9th of March as an effort of uprooting Mujahideen presence in the valleys of the north-western Lythium province. Contact with the enemy has, leading up to this point, been sporadic at most. However, friendly forces have sustained casualties from Mujahideen ambushes along the rugged dirt roads passing through the area, and the general mobility of our ground troops are severely limited due to the valley’s topography. Regular patrolling of the area has, since the 12th of March, ceased.
The enemy’s numbers are unknown, and they may appear anywhere and at any time. The enemy uses civilian clothing in order to blend in with the local populace, and are known to primarily utilize Soviet small arms (AK-47s, RPGs, etc.). The enemy has a widespread availability to MANPAD systems, primarily Strela and Igla-launcher platforms, however since 1986 the Mujahideen are known to include American-made Stinger missiles in their arsenal. The enemy has a limited amount of armoured vehicles, primarily captured Soviet and Afghan BMPs, BRDMs, BTR-vehicles and at least one T-60 tank. We have no intelligence of their whereabouts.
Friendly adjacent units are present to some degree in the area, primarily your sister platoon Chelovek 2, however radio communications have been lost to them as of this morning. Another company is operating further to your east. Chelovek 3 will remain in reserve back at base. Your company has two MI-24D Hind attack helicopters and one MI-8AMT transport helicopter alongside with an airborne medical element attached to you for the duration of this operation.
Civilians are present in your area of operations, however no regard will be taken to any eventual civilian casualties. If the enemy is present, utilize your overwhelming firepower and indiscriminate tactics to drive them out and give them no chance to recoup.
Your platoon, Chelovek 1, is ordered to move to Chelovek 2’s last known position and support them in their mission. If Chelovek 2 appears to not be in a combat ready state, you are to take over their duties and clear out enemy AA nests in the area. Chelovek 2’s commander will instruct you further.
At the platoon commander’s own discretion, make ready for combat, mount up, and head to Chelovek 2’s last known position.
Air-ground coordination at JTACs and pilots discretion.
Your platoon has access to 3x BTR-80A armored personnel carriers, and 1x UAZ transport car. Your platoon consists of 3x squads reinforced with 1x weapons group utilizing the UAZ which is loaded with 1x AGS-grenade launcher, and one DSHK heavy machine gun. If repairs or re-armament of any weapon systems is required in the field, an engineer detachment can be sent up to a safe location.
Ammunition and logistics can be airlifted in by the helicopter pilots. Some equipment is present in your vehicles.
Air net: 70
Company net: 60
Platoon net: 50
Platoon lead 100
1st Squad, 110
2nd Squad, 120
3rd Squad 130
4th Squad 140
Pilots alongside the airborne medical detachment spawn at Kinduf airbase. The infantry platoon spawn in their FOB up north. Keep in mind to select the correct respawn position upon death.
Respawn is set to 5 minutes. If respawned, you may either try and establish communications with JTAC for a pick-up at the FOB, or wait for new vehicles to respawn. The ACE medical settings have been altered somewhat, you bleed a little faster, you may die from recieving too much damage at once (50 BMG to the face/torso, etc.), and your damage threshold (how much damage you may recieve before death) has been lowered somewhat in comparison to the ARMA Sweden settings.
Vehicular respawn is active for all ground vehicles, set to 10 minutes. MI-24s do not respawn due to pylon issues, however there are a few reserve MI-24s to go around.